Take A Number Joke. Although your friends may hate you after the call it will totally be worth it. He looked at the calendar. It was on the door to the travel centre. This joke may contain profanity.
Think of a number below 10. Get it as soon as Tue May 25. Funny Number Jokes for Kids. Sato 106000100 Red Take-a-Number Sign. The authorities told me that if the tent gets blown away then the campsite wont be covered. You have number 9 and the inmate sighs with relief.
Lastly we have insurance jokes and puns that include some life insurance jokes and puns that are absolutely full of life insurance humor.
It is a privilege denied to many. We try to bust a gut with our funny Yo Mama Redneck lawyer animal relationship and crap jokes. Double the number you have thought. Think of a number below 10. Funny bingo calls bingo one-liners bingo caller jokes and even bingo jokes for each number all fall under bingo humor which is the best way to enjoy bingo. This joke may contain profanity.